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Puglia Olive Oil Extra Vergine

Large selection of cold-pressed Puglian olive oil. De Carlo, Muraglia, Galantino, Intini, Sabino Leone offer you a wide range of high quality extra virgin olive oils from top producers in our online shop.

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Extra virgin olive oil from Apulia of excellent quality

The evo oil from Puglia has a range of colours from deep golden yellow to dark green. The colour is originally more intense, and with time tends to lighten. The taste is fruity, soft and enveloping. Apulian oil with an intense fruity taste causes a slight tingling in the palate, has a pleasantly bitter aftertaste and some spicy notes.

Olives are grown all over Apulia: from the Daunian Appenin in the north of the elongated region over the vast plains of the Tavoliere and the Terra di Bari in central Apulia to the Salento peninsula deep in the south.

The range of the native olive varieties is correspondingly diverse; many of them are only distributed in a more or less narrowly limited area.

Peranzana olives can be found mainly in the province of Foggia in the north and the Ogliarola in the area around Bari in central Apulia. The main growing area of the Coratina, which originally comes from Calabria, is the Salento peninsula in the south. Another important olive variety is the Saracena.

Learn more about extra virgin olive oil

Olive trees in Puglia, Italy

Four olive-growing areas in Apulia received the coveted status of a Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP) from the EU, in English: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The DOP is recognizable by the red and yellow seal.

Puglian Olive Oil DOP and IGP Seals

It means that all production steps from cultivation and processing to manufacture and packaging takes place:<7p>

  • in a certain geographical area
  • according to a recognized, established production process

From north to south these are:

  • Dauno
  • Terra di Bari
  • Colline di Brindisi
  • Terra D'Otranto

Buy Puglian DOP Olive Oil

Puglia is the home of the largest olive oil production in Italy

Olive tree Apulia Italy

In no other region of Italy is produced more olive oil than in Apulia (Puglia): depending on the olive harvest year, between 40% and 50% of italian Olive Oil national production comes from the Puglia Region. However, quantity and quality do not have to be a contradiction in terms; this is proven by the total of four producing regions for extra virgin olive oils with protected designation of origin in Apulia: Dauno, Colline di Brindisi, Terra d'Otranto and Terra di Bari. They all have the coveted DOP seal.

For several years, olive trees in Apulia have suffered the uncontrolled attack of a bacterium known as Xylella fastidiosa, which has caused multiple damage to these plantations. According to an EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) estimate, between 2012 and 2017, over 6.5 million infected trees were destroyed in Puglia alone. Another 100,000 olive oil trees are removed each year to combat the spread of this disease.

Award winning oil producers from Apulia

With Frantoio Galantino and Muraglia, two top olive oil producers from the Bari region are represented in our range, while Intini as highlight represents the well-known Alberobello.


Frantoio Galantino from Bisceglie, near Andria, has so far been able to primarily with his Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP Terra di Bari convince. With its intensely fruity, bitter to pungent notes and an aftertaste of artichoke and thistle, this versatile evo oil is typical of the area of ​​Castel del Monte north of Bari. The oil, which is mainly produced from Coratina with a small portion of Ogliarola olives, has already received several awards, including the coveted L'Oro d'Italia.

De Carlo Farm

The De Carlo farm is one of the most important olive oil producers in Puglia. Renowned worldwide for the excellent quality of its oil, it has won several awards around the world. Tenuta Arcamone Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil won the gold medal at Biol and three leaves at Gambero Rosso. It came first at the renowned Der Feinschmecker and won first prize at the Japan Olive Oil Prize in 2018.

Another very renowned oil is the Extra Virgin DOP Tenuta di Mossa. This oil from Puglia has also won many national and global awards.

The De Carlo farm does not only produce oil. The Apulian cherry tomatoes are excellent, as are the varieties of delicious pâté.


Muraglia, on the other hand, is best known for the original, high-quality ceramic bottles in which the manufacturer from Andria fills some of its mostly pure extra-virgin oils from the Coratina and Perenzana varieties of olives.

These unusual containers are a reference to the centuries-old local tradition of ceramic production. The tastefully balanced olive oils from Muraglia have found and have ample recognition - among other things by the respected Association of Italian Sommeliers AIS, which has received its highest award "5 Drops" for products from this producer.

Buy Muraglia olive oil

Tips from the chef: how you can best enjoy olive oil from Apulia

The variety of flavors of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Apulia is enormous: it ranges from slightly fruity oils such as Extra Vergine Classico from Intini to medium fruity - one example is the Extra Vergine Essenza Medium Fruity from Muraglia - to intensely fruity olive oils such as Extra Virgin PDO Terra di Bari by Galantino.

Olive oils from Apulia with an intense, fruity taste

Intensely fruity olive oils from Apulia with their distinctive hot-bitter aromas - such as thistles - are ideal for seasoning soups (especially hearty lentil and pea stews), vegetables and red meat. They are also ideal for drizzling on a crispy bruschetta!

Ingredients for a soupSoup
Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, parsleyVegetables

Olive oils from Apulia with a medium-fruity taste

Medium-fruity extra-virgin oils, which are often characterized by a great balance, moderate heat and a lively scent of tomatoes and herbs.

They are perfect for: 

  • fish
  • poultry dishes
  • seafood
  • salads
Two fish on a table Fish
Salad with tomatoes and radishes and a fake olive oil on the tableSalad
Noodles with seafoodPasta with seafood

Olive oils from Apulia with a slightly fruity taste

The same applies to slightly fruity olive oils: with their playful floral notes and citrus hints, they harmonize perfectly with:

  • baked,
  • grilled,
  • steamed and marinated fish

And of course they shouldn't be missing in any salad dressing!

Organic olive oil from Puglia

Organically grown fruit, cereals, vegetables and the products produced from them are enjoying increasing popularity with consumers.

This also applies to olives and olive oil. So it's no wonder that a growing number of producers are opting for organic farming: this is also the case in Apulia.

In our online shop you can buy organic olive oils and organic olives from leading producers who have completely or partially converted their operations to organic farming. From Muraglia, on his Extra Virgin Olive Oil Essenza Bio referenced here, and from

The Puglian olive oil producer Intini from Alberobello was able to score points in four important competitions with its Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

These organic olive oils can be recognized by the Bio-EU-Siegel, a stylized green leaf with the central rib and the white edge marked by stars. All products produced in the EU and tested by it from controlled organic cultivation, bear this seal. But what exactly is behind this?

In the case of plant-based products, it means above all a complete avoidance of mineral artificial fertilizers. Only mulch, liquid manure or green manure are allowed to fertilize the fields. That saves the floors instead of leaching them out.

Furthermore, the ban on artificial fertilizers means that fewer nitrates are discharged into the ground and surface water.

Also in organic farming there is no place for chemical pesticides: weed destruction and pest control must also be carried out in a natural way, for example by releasing certain insects that destroy the plant pests. Also genetic engineering is left out.

However, the guidelines of the EU regulation are not limited to the cultivation of the plants; special requirements also apply to processing:

  • no artificial colors
  • no flavor enhancers

may be used

If a company manufactures the same product from both conventionally and organically grown fruits, further processing must be carried out completely separately.

All these measures not only protect the environment and nature, organically produced foods also contain considerably fewer pollutants and chemical residues than conventionally produced foods.

In short, organic evo oil is healthy for you and good for the environment.